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Air Freight Transportation

Good air freight transportation is ensured by a correct ground service. We provide the most affordable and qualified air freight service with our widespread agency network and our logistic centres with strategic importance abroad.

International air freight transportation which is accepted as one of the strong models of the transport sector is included in our field of services as a result of our customers’ high-speed qualified service requirement with the superior organization capabilities and qualified agency structure of our company.

Our trained personnel who has coordination and operation ability of a professional level prepares the most appropriate conditions in international air freight transportation.

Our services in this scope are:

  • Worldwide Extensive Agency Network
  • Consolidation Services
  • Door to Door Delivery from Every Point on the World to Every Point
  • Transhipment Transportation, Particularly Cargo Transportation
  • Overseas Clearance Service
  • Combined Transportation
  • Air Cargo Services with Civil Aviation License IATA Agency

Years of Experience We Deliver Quality

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Uzaklar Transport

Far Away is Close with Us

As Uzaklar Transport, we offer safe, fast and economical complete and partial transport solutions to all European countries, especially Germany.

Alman-Türk Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası
Uzaklar Transport Turkey Office

Uzaklar Uluslararası
Taşımacılık ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Mevlana Mah. Sultanahmet Cad. No:1 Ak-Er Apt. Kat.3 Daire:13 Esenyurt / İstanbul
Uzaklar Transport Germany Office

Uzaklar Internationale Spedition GmbH

Im Taubental 9-11 D-41468 Neuss / Germany
Handelsministerium der Republik Türkei
Industrie- und Handelskammer Istanbul
Türkischer Exporteurverband

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Uzaklar Uluslararası Taşımacılık ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti.
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